Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Makeover Is Complete!

 It is December 15th already and this semester will officially end in two days. Yikes, semester has flown by! In the last five months I have learned a thing or two. This class taught me to understating what pop culture is all about. The How, What and Whys of pop culture!

  • Music
  • Video Games
  • Books
  • Ads
  • Social Networking sites
  • Customs
  • Traditions
  • Behavior Patterns
  • Rituals
These are all parts of our pop culture; plus much more. That was just to name a few. To fully understand what pop culture is you have to have a open mind, always pay attention, realize that everything has meaning, be respectful toward things that you don't know or understand and be a active reader. This class helped me a ton!!! With keeping my mind open. I remember my friend Jacob just before school started this fall told me and I quote, " Michelle, you're single minded and on dimensional sometime." Thanks to this class and a great teacher he hasn't said that to me again!

Popular Culture is all around us! Every where we turn; everything we do. Always remember to keep a open mind and even if you can't fix our whole society every little bit counts.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a positive experience in the class. It was a joy to have you as a student!
