Thursday, September 16, 2010

Proper my Aunt Fanny!

.What is the proper role of pornography in American society?
Is there? Can there be? A proper role in our society for porn, I think not! The word proper means, characterized by appropriateness or suitability, porn is neither appropriate nor is it suitable.
Who benefits from pornography? 
I guess you can say some people benefit from it, in the sense of the producers and actors in the films; their benefit is money.
Who is harmed? 
The real question is who is not harmed from pornography! Children, families, marriages, singles, husbands and wives are all affected when pornography is involved.
In December of 2009, under the FRC, which stands for the Family Research Council, Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D. did a study entitled “THE EFFECTS OF PORNOGRAPHY ON INDIVIDUALS, MARRIAGE, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY”.
I found Mr. Fagan’s study really interesting, mostly for the reason that the article is an eye opener to the harm of porn; when our class watch the CNBC report by Melissa Lee entitled Porn: Business of Pleasure, one of the men from the interview said porn is never going away, I thought to myself why not; we certainly don't need the porn industry; why can't it just go away! And then it hit me, when you think about our society, hearing about porn is not uncommon and it made me wonder who pornography really affects and how does it affect them; which led me to finding this article.
 The trauma that is put on children when they’re exposed is sad! The study showed that when kids are exposed to sexually explicit Internet material it affected the kids down the road in their marriages and causes them to sexually explore with others outside of marriage; it affected their ability to commit. It effects marriages, and when the husband or even the wife is addicted, if their addiction is not helped, most of the ending results are that the marriages are torn apart and ruined. Sad isn't it that something so terrible has become such a common thing in our society

1 comment:

  1. If pornography were to somehow be outlawed, and could get around the first amendment, how do you imagine "pornography" would be identified in the law? How would it be defined?
