Is America impatient? YES! Absolutely! What happened to America? When did we get so caught up in going so fast? We eat fast, we drive fast, we talk fast, we even work fast! Every day our technology is advancing and we are moving forward as a generation but is it really good for us? For example when you are at your job your excepted to do your job and do it quickly, but when people get impatient they tend to cut corners and look for the easy way out. It's sad to say but our generation is terribly impatient! Have you ever been at a red light; the light turns green the person behind you throws a holy fit laying on their horn just because you didn't go right when the light turned? Well I have plenty of times, and quite frankly it annoys me; where in the world do they have to go in such a hurry that their willing to get mad over two seconds? Another example of how impatient we are: it use to be that when you call someone and they don't answer their phone right away it meant that they were busy, obviously, but not now if they don't answer by the fifth ring it means that you need to hang up and call again and again and again till they answer! Impatience can not only be annoying but it can be bad for our health as well.
The real question is how can we fix our society and its problem with impatience? Truth be told we can't fix our society, but we can improve ourselves. We need to stop hurrying so much. Take our time to do things. Instead of running out somewhere to pick up dinner; stop by the farmers market or store, pick of some groceries and go home and make a nice, home cooked meal. Pick up a book and read it; don't Spark Note the book and take the easy way out. In the end you'll learn so much more by reading the book. At work when your told to complete an assignment take your time and do it right, because if you don't you will end up having to redo it in the end just to make it right. My Mom always always told me, " Michelle, patience is a virtue and if you don't understand it now one day you will and you'll thank me." She was right and I'm glad I was raised to appreciate time and the twenty-four hours I'm given every day!
I sometimes get worried that impatience is a gateway behavior. It leads to people escalating their actions. Like going fast on the highway leads to road rage, which leads to someone dying.